Player Profile: Bradley Jones
Player Profile: Bradley Jones
Hometown: LaFayette, New York
Major and Future Plans: Sports Management, I plan on working my way up to being a GM for a professional baseball team
Other Sports You've Played: Basketball, Football, Baseball
Best Lacrosse Experience: 2012 season at KSU, we weren't on anyone's radar all year and we continued to play as a team and reached the SELC Championship game.
Favorite Thing About KSU: The amount of organizations and clubs you can be a part of as a student.
Favorite Band: Dave Matthews Band
What Do You Do Off The Lacrosse Field: I love being outside doing just about anything. Hunting and fishing are favorites of mine as well as hiking or just playing a sport.
Favorite TV Show: Survivor
How Do You Grow The Game of Lacrosse: I have been coaching lacrosse for the past 10 years. I enjoy teaching young players the game of lacrosse and trying to grow the game any way possible.